The design courses blog for BA (Hons)
and HND Vis Comm at Edinburgh College

NC Project Assessment

13 December 2010

It doesn't happen very often, but four of the Design Tutors got together with both NC classes to assess the final NC project for 2010 - the campaign for our rescheduled '14 Weeks and Counting' Review.

After a short crit, both classes mounted and exhibited their work and were give the opportunity to vote on a winning submission.

Later this week, HND 1 and HND 2 will get their chance to vote on the work, and a final winner will be announced on Wednesday. The winning work will be integrated into the print media campaign and the website at www.etcshow.net.

The winning submission after the first round of votes is Jody Hogg for her 'Discovering Concepts' idea, which featured a dazzling 4 X A3 skyscraper banner. Well done!

Once the HN votes are, in we'll post some of the submissions in the gallery.