The design courses blog for BA (Hons)
and HND Vis Comm at Edinburgh College

Chocolate Presentations

28 September 2009

The HND 2nd Year surprised our panel of Mentors, and themselves, by pitching five amazingly inventive and well-realised concepts for the Chocolate brief.

There was a real atmosphere in the studio (should that the the 'boardroom'? :), and thanks to Helena's excellent organisation, everything ran very smoothly. The groups delivered their ideas, visuals and concepts very professionally, with lots of nice team interplay, and every pitch put forward a convincing case for the winning idea.

The mentors took copious notes and provided some great feedback for each group, and despite a few insightful disagreements, were remarkably united in declaring 'Choc - Chocolate with Character' the winner. So congratulations to Artur, Duncan and Carolann - You're Hired!

A second Mentor brief has now been issued, and rather than one project, the class will have to take on a number of different projects, including rebranding a Fish Tackle Shop, reworking the Olympic 2012 Logo, creating a web presence for an extreme sports outlet, and developing a campaign for the 65th Anniversay Memorial of the Holocaust. Wow.

Detail from 'Choc' Packaging : (Artur, Duncan, Carolann)

Choc Box / character slips

Detail from 'White Lies' Packaging : (Hannah, Lisa and Paulina)

White Lies tagline / Box

Detail from 'Aztec Gold' Packaging : (Tania, Jonathan, Julie)

Aztec Golf Box

Detail from 'Fetish' Packaging : (Amanda, Ola and Gunnar)

Fetish Box / cheeky extras

More packaging to follow ... and the posters will all soon appear in the gallery page.