D&AD's Yellow Pencils are recognised the world over as a symbol of true creative achievement.
D&AD has celebrated and nurtured outstanding work in design and advertising since 1962. Each year, the
D&AD Annual Showcase provides an unrivalled source of creative inspiration and is a great guideline as to current trends, skills and style in contemporary visual communication. Its also a good indicator of the sort of designers that Further and Higher Education is producing.
So this year, with Edinburgh's Telford College now fully joined up to the University Network programme, we'll be looking to encourage our HND students to submit work based on the 2010 briefs.
The D&AD University Network Programme has been running now for more than twenty years, and being a member helps an institution to establish relationships with leading creative practitioners and agencies, provides teaching packs and resources incorporating the best examples of creative practice and execution and adds live industry focused elements to the curriculum.
Membership is aimed at all Higher Education courses teaching creativity including Advertising, Graphic Design, Digital Media, Film & Animation, Photography, Illustration.
One thing I am excited about this year is that D&AD are revamping their web presence to include an online showcase of each institution's entries, which should give our submissions a great deal of exposure to the right sort of audience.
Preparing Your Entries Guide
D&AD Sponsors and Supporters 2010